The deductible is the amount of money that you agreed to pay your insurance company in order to be able to make a claim typically through your collision coverage. You're going to run into this in the event that you decide to use your collision coverage instead of the defendant's insurance company to get your car repaired.
A typical deductible is going to be anywhere between $250 to $500 to $1000. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium and that's kind of a balance that you have to strike depending on ultimately how much money you have in pocket and how much you're going to want to come out of pocket.
In the event that you actually have an automobile wreck and this is relevant to you of a deductible, you typically will get your deductible back but it's going to be anywhere between three to four months down the road, once your insurance company actually recoups it from the defendant's insurance company.
If you have any questions concerning your car accident or your insurance deductible, don't hesitate to contact the Hartman Law Firm at (843) 300-7600 for a free consultation today.